Frequently asked questions about transferring your number to Mobile Vikings

Can I keep my number?

Sure, no problem! When you order your SIM card with a subscription or prepaid SIM card you can select 'Keep my number'. Unless you want a new number, which obviously is also possible.

Who cancels my current subscription?

We do that once you’re actively using the Mobile Vikings network. You don’t need to contact your current provider yourself.

Can people still reach me during my switch?

Absolutely. People can reach you via your old provider until you’re actively using the Mobile Vikings network. So there is no period in which you are unable to call, text, or use data.

What happens to my subscription at my current provider?

If you switch providers in the middle of the month, your previous provider will usually only charge you for your active period. But go ahead and contact your previous provider if you don’t want to pay the full amount of the invoice, because this calculation doesn’t always happen automatically.

What happens to my prepaid SIM card at my current provider?

In most cases, your bundles and calling credit will expire as soon as your switch to a Mobile Vikings subscription will be complete. Of course, you’re free to ask your current provider if you can only pay for your active usage. Go ahead and contact your current provider for more info.