What happens when I leave a Viking Clan or no longer meet the conditions?

If you leave a Viking Clan or no longer meet the conditions with a specific phone number, this of course has some impact.

I leave a Viking Clan

  • You were in a Viking Clan of 2 Vikings: unfortunately that means the end of this Clan. The other member will therefore no longer receive free extra mobile data through this Clan.
  • You were in a Viking Clan of 3 Vikings: the remaining 2 members of this Viking Clan will receive a new Clan bundle of 2 GB after expiration of the actual 3 GB bundle. This will remain as long as this Clan continues to exist.
  • You were in a Viking Clan of 4 Vikings: the remaining 3 members of this Viking Clan will receive a new Clan bundle of 3 GB after expiration of the actual 4 GB bundle. This will remain as long as this Clan continues to exist.

When you leave a clan, you will automatically receive a confirmation email. The other members of your clan will also be notified by email.

If you leave a Viking Clan, you won’t be able to join another Viking Clan or form a new Clan for a month using that specific phone number. After 30 days you will be able to join another Viking Clan or start a new one again.

I no longer meet the requirements

To be a part of a Viking Clan, you must have an active mobile subscription. If you cancel your subscription, you will automatically leave the Viking Clan.

You will remain a member of a Viking Clan until, with the telephone number in question, you:

  • Switch to a prepaid card
  • Transfer that specific number to another operator
  • Leave the Viking Clan

More details about the terms and conditions of a Viking Clan can be found here.