Are there out of bundle costs with a subscription?

It is possible if your usage isn’t included in your bundle, e.g. international calls, or premium services. To avoid unpleasant surprises, we will notify you when you have used more than € 10, € 20, € 30, € 40 or € 50 extra.

What kind of usage isn’t included in my bundle?

Usage outside of your bundle will be charged separately on your invoice or payment invitation. This happens if you:

  • Use up your active bundle and continue to surf or call before your new bundle is added. The rates are € 0,10/MB and € 0,20/minute.
  • Call or text to premium numbers. The rate is mentioned with the number.
  • Call or text a foreign number, from Belgium. Check the rates per country on our roaming page.

How can I change my out-of-bundle limit?

To reduce your out-of-bundle costs, you can easily set up an out-of-bundle limit to € 50, € 25, € 10, € 5 or even € 0, through your My Viking account.

If you lower your limit to € 0 and you've exhausted your subscription bundle, you will no longer be able to use services that are not included in that bundle by default, such as international calls and SMS or premium services.