I can't call anymore. What do I do?

  1. First of all, restart your device.
  2. Check via your My Viking account if you still have enough calling credit/ bundles. Do you have an unpaid invoice? Then this could be the cause of the problem.
  3. If you have no network connection, try to connect manually through the settings of your device. Here you can read how to do this.
  4. Are you abroad? Then try another provider. In this case, you should restart your device too. Don’t forget to use the correct number format, for example +32 when calling a Belgian number or +33 when calling a French number.
  5. Can you make calls, but can't get calls? Find out what you can do when you are unreachable.

Went through all the steps above and still can't call? Contact the helpdesk at 0456 19 19 76 or via the web form.

Trouble making calls inside or outside your home is a thing of the past thanks to VoLTE & VoWifi. With this technology, you use your mobile data connection or Wi-Fi signal to make calls. Find more info here.
Did you choose the Only Data rate plan? In that case, you can’t make outgoing calls, only receive calls. Of course, you can make calls via WhatsApp, Messenger, ... using mobile data.