How do I switch from VDSL to Fiber?

If you want to switch from a copper or VDSL connection to a Fiber connection, this can be done easily if Fiber is already available at your address. You can check this in your My Viking account: go to 'product' > 'Is Fiber available at your address?'.
If Fiber is available, all you have to do is choose when you want an installer to come and install Fiber free at your address.

We offer various Fiber subscriptions:

  • Fast - € 40/ month (download up to 150 Mbps & upload up to 50 Mbps): if you already have our Fast subscription with a VDSL connection, upgrading to Fiber is completely free. You also pay the same amount per month. Our technician will provide the free installation and you will keep your own modem.
  • Superfast - € 55/ month (download up to 1 Gbps & upload up to 500 Mbps): if you still prefer a faster subscription, this is a good choice. The installation is also completely free in this case, and you can keep your current boosters.
  • Hyperfast - € 90/ month (download up to 5 Gbps & upload up to 1 Gbps): This is our fastest subscription. Here, you receive new boosters and a modem for free, and the installation is done free of charge by our technician.

If you come from another provider and want to switch to Mobile Vikings Fiber, the installation and modem are also completely free. You can easily request this via our website.