How can I get my phone to ring longer?
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You can decide after how many seconds your voicemail is activated. Your options are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 seconds. A few examples:
- To activate your voicemail after 30 seconds of ringing, enter (*)*61*+32456191933**30# and press 'call';
- To activate your voicemail after 25 seconds of ringing, enter (*)*61*+32456191933**25# and press 'call'; etc.
( * ) means that you have to enter two asterisks for some devices.
If you have changed your voicemail settings in the past and wish to deactivate your voicemail, please note that these settings remain unchanged despite deactivation. For example, if you have set up call forwarding or if you have activated a second incoming call, you need to deactivate it yourself. More information can be found here.
You can also fully manage your voicemail from the app. More specifically:
- Switch your voicemail on and off
- Set how long it takes for your voicemail to become active